Hearty cake with mascarpone frosting

I've been sharing my family's birthday cakes with blog followers for a few years now. I started with the cake three chocolates for Maria. I also shared the one with rodenties, the one with lollipops and today I show you again the last one that we tasted yesterday, even though its birthday was the 14th. Do you like it? She loved it, as well as the rest of the guests and not only because of the presence , simple and showy, also because of how delicious it was with the mascarpone frosting, creamy and with a very rich flavor.

I decided to prepare a Genoese cake, ideal for stuffed cakes. A cake without fat or yeast, very tender and fluffy. It also goes up so much that three cuts can be made.
This same preparation is used to make gypsy arm or sponge cake.
For a mold of 24cm
The proportion of this biscuit is as follows: 1 egg/30 g flour/30 g sugar With this simple ratio you can adapt the quantities to your mold.
- 8 eggs
- 240 g of pastry flour
- 240 g of sugar
- a pinch of salt
- vanilla aroma
- 250 gr of mascarpone cheese
- 250 gr of creamy white cheese
- 150 gr of sugar glass
- 600 ml of cream 35% MG
- coloring
- sugar decorations
- sugar decorations
- coloring
- sugar decorations
- sugar decorations
- li>
- 100 gr of sugar
- 100 gr of water
- 2 tablespoons of liquor or rum

We preheat the oven at 180º, with heat up/down
We line the mold: We spread it with butter and sprinkle it with flour. I like to put a baking paper in the base, of the same diameter as the mold.
We take to the fire a saucepan with water, until it reaches 40º (if you do not have thermometer, put a few drops of water on your lips and you do not have to notice neither cold nor heat)
In a bowl we put the eggs with the sugar and introduce it in the saucepan with the warm water. With the help of some electric rods, we mount the eggs with the sugar in the water bath, when they are almost assembled, we add aroma and continue beating until they triple the volume and acquire the "pencil point"; that is, that we can write a circle, for example, and this one remains.
We remove the bowl from the pan with the water and little by little, and with enveloping movements, we go sifting the flour, to which we will have added a pinch of salt. It is important that we do this step with great care, because this cake does not have yeast and that aerated that we have given the eggs to beat them is what will make our cake grow.
We dump b) the mixture on the mold and with a spatula or similar, we homogenize the surface. We take it to the oven, at 180º with heat up and down (I also put the air function), until we see that the surface browns and the cake is slightly detached from the walls of the mold.Remove from heat and let temper.
Mount cream. Remember that it must be very cold. If we mount the cream in excess we can find butter, so you have to stop when you start to make spikes.
Spill in a bowl the mascarpone cheese, cream cheese and sugar glas We beat with some electric rods (with the ones to assemble, not with the blades)
We remove a part, enough for the filling of the sponge cake, and we add a few drops of dye (better to stay short of principle and then add more until we achieve the desired tone) and mix well, until the mixture is homogenized.

We cut the cake in three discs. When cutting, put a toothpick on each disc, so that all three coincide and when reassembling them, we have to make them match again.
Calamos sponge cake with the syrup.
We add the pink cheese frosting and assemble the next disc without pressing.
With help of a spatula we cover the cake with the white frosting (to decorate it to your liking, I wanted it to have this informal look)
Splash with the chosen sugar decorations.
We refrigerate until serving time .

In these photos you can see the cut of the cake and the color that I gave to the cheese frosting with a few drops of coloring. A nice contrast.

I take advantage of today's post to congratulate all the blog followers , as well as the Pepes, Pepitas, Joses, Josefas and Marijoses. Congratulations!