Strawberry Custard

On the network I always find amazing recipes. Sometimes, the truth is, I do not think it would occur to me to do something like that, because there are very rare mixtures and others that only the presence throw back (the least). If I like it, I risk it and although the result is not always what I expected, what is said to have to throw something away for total failure has not yet happened to me. There are recipes that dazzle me in such a way that until I do not do them, I do not stop. That's what happened to me with this dessert. On the one hand, I love custards and strawberries. The appearance of the recipe, unbeatable. And as it was the case that it had all the ingredients (okay, they were easy, especially in the strawberry season) I could not (or wanted to) contain myself. I also contribute a lot to the fact that Alicia from the blog Canecositas (you know that, right?), The inventor of these custard, sold them so well and with such grace.

Now I sell them to you: D They are delicious, soft, creamy custards, with a lot of flavor ... let's leave you wanting to go for more ... and if they are finished, do them again.

I would not lose them to you; D


  • 250 gr of strawberries
  • 100 gr of sugar
  • 500 gr of milk
  • 3 eggs (at room temperature)
  • 10 gr of Maizena (2 tablespoons of dessert)


We wash the strawberries with the leaves. We remove the leaves and grind the strawberries in a kitchen robot, until we have a fine puree. With the help of a colander we strain the puree, so that the custard we are finer and avoid the nuggets. We reserve.
We beat the eggs with the sugar and the cornstarch. We reserve.

We heat the milk, until it starts to boil. Remove from heat and pour the mashed strawberries. Mix well so that the mixture is integrated. We let temper.

We add two tablespoons of the warm milk, with the mashed strawberries, to the mixture of eggs, sugar and cornstarch and stir well (this way the egg will not set ). And little by little and without stopping to beat, pour the rest of the milk with the strawberries puree over the mixture of eggs, sugar and cornstarch. And put it on low heat, stirring constantly until it begins to thicken.

We distribute in the bowls and when they are warm, we introduce them in the refrigerator until they finish cooling.>
We decorate . In my case, with a fresh strawberry and grated black chocolate on top.


The original recipe is made with Thermomix, if you want to make it in it, click on the link and it will show you its recipe.
If you do not have the little machine, you will see that they are perfect in the traditional way.

If we pour too much milk hot on the eggs, we run the risk that they stay like curd (it happened to me) I beat the mixture well with the electric rods and fixed. That's why I recommend that you let milk temper.

Happy start to the week!

Source: Recipe box Canecositas